Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cucumber and Aloe soap

I made a new batch of soap using MMS' cucumber and aloe fo. I love the smell of this stuff... very soothing I find. I also intended on doing a bit of a swirl in the mold (attempt to that is).

Recipe is as follows:

Castor oil 10%
Coconut 15%
Olive 60%
PKO 15%

I did a 7% superfat

Scented with MMS cucumber and aloe... about 1.5 cups reserved (unscented) was tinted green with green ultramarine and then poured on top.. I need to either pour from greater distance... or remember to use handy dandy tool to help the swirl.

What I did different today-

1. Put distilled water into freezer so I started with a slush as opposed to room temp water. This made the lye cool down faster and I didnt have to wait so long or use a cold water bath.

2. I used coconut which wasnt in the last batch

3. Something I have not ever done... my coconut and pko = 30% of my base oils... I have in the past kept them under 25%.

4. Placed saran wrap on top of the soap and covered that baby up. Usually I ITMHP so this was a big change for me.

Soap came to a complete gel... still gel in center but firm on edges as I call it a night.

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