Friday, May 16, 2008

Be-ah Soap recipe

Castor 10%
Coconut 30% (this is higher then I like but within parameters... lol)
Olive 60%

7% superfat using soapcalc
Beer 341 ml

INS 152
Hardness 33
Conditioning 63
cleaning 20
bubbly 29
creamy 22
Iodine 61

Soaped this around 8 pm. I had been told there would be a horrid odor from adding the lye to the flat cold bear... but i didnt really notice much other then the same kind of icky sweet scent you get when adding fluids with excess sugar like milk ... oh and cucumber makes a strange scent as well. No Cat pee smells in my house, perhaps its because I froze the beer and i added the NaOH very slowly.

Soaped when lye mix was 90 and the oils were just under 100 degrees... and didnt end up using the stick blender at all... just a vigorous hand whisking. It turned a lovely carmel color and I am hoping it will stay that color. Not likely but one can hope eh?

I really liked soaping this cool... the frozen fluid really made a difference.

Perhaps tomorrow I can get Mum's lavender soap made. That one needs to be made ITMHP so she doesnt have to wait 4-6 weeks to be able to use it.

Hope to have lovely cut soap pics tomorrow to share... *keeping fingers crossed*


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