Or was it larder soap... cant remember *smiles*
Last night I grated up some of the still fresh "ugly" soap and then cubed a few of the bars as well. I made a 1.5 pound batch of soap (castor 10, coconut 25, olive 65, 7%superfat) with a hint of lavender EO, and then split the batch into 1/3s when it was just barely in trace. Brought the smaller amount to trace, added the grated soap and attempted to pour at an angle (whole weird tilted on the side mold thing) and then I brought the other part of the soap mixture to trace, gently poured on top of the other soap and then popped on top of that the cubes. In theory I think it will work... but who knows. I may need to make two completely seperate batches of soap for this process. Let the first set up and then make the second and pour on top of that so that the layers dont merge which is what I am thinking probably happened.
As long as I dont have to rebatch that baby I will be ok with the outcome... if i have to rebatch it I just might have a tantrum. *smiles* Did I mention I totally despise rebatching?
I am making myself wait to unmold the soap. Its still a tid bit warm through the newspaper blankie I put on it... and I want to peak so bad... but I am holding off..
Well I am trying too anyways.
I cant wait to see what it looks like.
Ok so I peaked... cause Im bad like that. Well we either are still in gel, or we have a big mess on our hands. Since its still warm inside its blankie... I am deciding here and now its still in gel.
I hope. *smile*